The Go Game Blog

The Go Game Blog

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Links - 25 June

For those about to rock, we salute you. For those about to work, well enjoy these links to help you waste a bit of time on your Friday. Let's get to it!

Flash Game of the Week: Dolphin Olympics 2 - This week I am on holiday in the US. I went and saw a dolphin show at the aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland. Whilst the dolphins were doing flips and tricks the only thing I could think of was getting back home and putting together some sick twist combinations in this brilliant flash game. See if you can beat my high score of 3.5 million.

What We've Been Reading:
Epic Wimbledon match live blog devolves into zombie talk [Guardian]
Seven Marios made from household items [Joystick Division]
How social networking affects the brain [Fast Company]
5 Best Japanese kids toys [Wired UK]
4 strengths of a leader [Workplace Psychology]
Design a playground like a video game? Why not? [Telegraph]
Play IBM's new super computer Watson in a trivia quiz game [New York Times]
Game industry tax credits go bye bye [Wired UK]
Scavenging 24 classic video games for $24 in Tokyo [Game Life]

What We've Been Watching:
Super Mario Bros beatbox [Daily Expresso]
Gaming and the future of enegery [IEEE]
Vuvezela Doom II mod [Wired Fans]

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Links - 11 June

It's World Cup Friday, so prepare for a weekend of sitting in front of a TV by ... sitting in front of the computer and catching up on what's good on the internet. Let's do this:

Flash Game of the Week: Not a Flash Game - Really it speaks for itself. Play at work without needing to shield your screen. See if you can make it to Section 3.1.2(c).

What We're Reading:
A critical analysis of contemporary couch fort architecture [Build Blog]
ARG designers should ... play ARGs. A revolutionary idea. [ARGNet]
Improv Everywhere makes some sidewalk modifications in New York City [Improv Everywhere]
Jim makes pancakes for his daughter. Our faves are the Tetris ones [Jim's Pancakes]
A blog of human misconceptions [You Are Not So Smart]
Coffee doesn't actually help alertness...or something. I didn't understand because I haven't had my coffee [Telegraph]

What We're Watching:
Time lapse Mario [NY Mag]
The five dysfunctions of a team [Workplace Psychology]
BP reacts to a coffee spill [Buzzfeed]

Other Cool Stuff:
Excellent ideas for modern gaming tables [Toxel]
Fingerstache temporary tattoos, future Go Game prize? I think so. [Gama-Go]
A city built from Rolodex cards...a house of cards you might say (but you probably shouldn't say that) [Jean Shin]
Hello Kitty Star Wars characters [Gizmodiva]
Icons writ large for your writing pleasure [Brigada Creativa]
365 shots of Stormtrooper action figures in action [Flickr]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Links - 4 June

It's a new month, but that doesn't mean we're changing anything on the blog. The Go Game UK is still serving up tasty links for your time-wasting pleasure.

Flash Game of the Week: I Love Traffic - Who hasn't sat at a traffic light and thought 'I wonder what moron programmed this thing? I could do a much better job.' Well now's your chance...although I found that causing accidents in this game was far more satisfying.